"European Framework for Outdoor Animators" (2006-2008). The EQFOA was the first project with financial support by the EU. Its objective was to increase the transparency of the training programs and systems within the European Outdoor Sector.


"Professionalising training and mobility for outdoor animators in Europe, bridging the gap between sector competences and learning outcomes" (2008-2010). One of the CLO2 project's key objective was to refine the Competence Framework developed during the previous EQFOA project. Specifically, there was a need to indicate to the project's training providers a weighting, importance and level of each competence listed in line with the EQF levels.


"European Learning Syllabus for outdoor Animators" (2012-2014). The ELESA project aims at designing one main product which consists in a comprehensive innovative Learning Syllabus for outdoor animators, built in correspondence with the Lifelong Learning Programme and the results of the sectoral Leonardo projects EQFOA and CLO2, usable in Higher Education, VET and Adult Learning contexts.


EuropeActive (EHFA) have been awarded a grant by the EU Commission to help develop social dialogue in the active leisure sector (with comprises Fitness and the Outdoors). (2014-)