EC-OE, which is devoid of any profit-making spirit, has the following objective:
To look after the interests of entrepreneurs established within the European Union that professionally offer and execute outdoor activities and related activities and that offer guidance to the participants of these activities;
To unite the federations of these entrepreneurs into a confederation;
To assist these federations in the realization of their objectives;
To represent, promote commercial outdoor activities, both to the public at large as to national and supra national authorities.
In order to achieve its objective EC-OE aims at the following actions:
To organize consultation and cooperation between the federations in the EU member states that unite the ‘outdoor’ entrepreneurs and to inform them regarding commercial outdoor activities;
To take actions in order to promote commercial ‘outdoor’ activities, both to the public at large as to national and supra national authorities;
To negotiate with third parties for example the authorities in view of the sectors interests;
To establish, participate and enhance social dialogue at European level;
To intervene with the authorities, to consult and to inform them regarding the present or the future regulation concerning the execution of activities in the outdoor sector;
To install a European information and documentation centre;
To participate in research programmes;
To register and protect intellectual property rights relating to standards, definitions, rules, frameworks, procedures, norms … and any other common works and intellectual research published by its members.